Got a Plan?

When someone says they're on a diet, I immediately know that person will epically fail within a short period of time, usually within 24 hours after saying that to me.
TSL Mantra #5,672
Diets are a short term fix.
A healthy meal plan fit for you lasts a lifetime.
TSL Mantra #5,672
Diets are a short term fix.
A healthy meal plan fit for you lasts a lifetime.
- Sai (and Joeslyn)
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Want to lose 5-10 lbs doing minor tweaks to your diet? Follow this:
- Drink WATER (see last week’s tips). No meal plan starts without this.
- Most of your food should be fresh.
- Avoid as much packaged food as possible.
- Watch out for high sodium foods.
- Watch out for food high in sugar.
- Avoid soda or fruit juice.
- Limit alcohol and avoid mixed drinks and beer.
- If you are getting packaged food, read labels correctly.
I think this 👇🏽 might be the second best meal plan to follow. Ours is the best, of course. 😬
Keep it simple, keep active and be safe 🙏🏽