Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month begins October 1st and we have one thing to say, please go and get checked.
This horrible disease has killed too many people and wrecked too many families. We know. So once again, please get checked.
This horrible disease has killed too many people and wrecked too many families. We know. So once again, please get checked.
- Sai and Joeslyn
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
Women should do a breast self-exam every month to look and feel for changes. Regular breast exams can help you maintain breast health and detect cancer early, when it is easier to treat and more likely to be cured. Most lumps and abnormalities aren’t cancer, but you should still report changes to your doctor.
When to Check:
When to Check:
Once a month, every month. Women who are still menstruating (having a regular period) should perform a breast self-exam after their period. Women who have stopped menstruating and those who have very irregular periods can pick a day each month.
- It only takes a few minutes.
Types of inspection:
- Visual inspection
- Manual inspection standing up
- Manual inspection lying down
If you find a lump or something abnormal*, better to be safe and call your doctor.
For more information on self-exams, please check out Cleveland Clinic.

My mom found out too late, fought the best she could but lost the battle on Sept. 9, 2005. Get checked, please.

My mom went for her yearly mammogram and after a second mammogram and biopsy, she was diagnosed with breast cancer this past August 26. The good news is that it was caught early and as of now, all she will need is surgery and intraoperative radiation therapy.
So please remind all the women in your life to check themselves regularly and get their yearly mammograms. It can really make the difference between life and death.
So please remind all the women in your life to check themselves regularly and get their yearly mammograms. It can really make the difference between life and death.